Friday, June 4, 2010

I Know I Said This Isn't About Emergency Situations, But...

....last night probably rates as the most useless I have ever felt.

As I sat on the couch, in my pjs, knitting and watching a movie, there was a car accident outside our house. Just as I reached the bedroom to grab some clothes, Lucy (2yrs old) began to cry. The noise of the crash had woken her. Tim was at work, and I couldn't leave her alone and upset in the house. So I sat cuddling her on her bed, while who knows what was happening out on the street just metres away. I don't even know if the people involved were hurt, by the time Lucy was ok for me to leave her, the emergency services had been and gone, and just the towtruck remained.

Thinking over it today, I'm not at all convinced that I made the right decision. I mean, I've never heard of anyone dying because they were alone and scared in their bedroom for half an hour.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


  1. At the risk of stating the obvious - you're a mum. Mum's will always (or should always) protect their child however they can. Regardless of the pledge you have made to help others, your parental instincts will probably always come first. That's not a bad thing :)

  2. Oh I agree with you on that one Carina. It was hard to just sit there though, wondering whether or not it was worst case scenario for the people outside. And in all reality, Lucy is with me pretty much 24/7, so there will be many times that she will come before others.

  3. Hi Rachael - Carina and I and others were discussing your blog the other night, and today I saw this posted on Facebook and couldn't help but see the connection. I thought you might like to read it - it is upsetting but demonstrates why we should all try to be a little more 'interruptable'.

